
The Looming Threat of Immigration Raids at Your Workplace – What to do When ICE Comes Knocking

February 20, 2025
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In light of recent executive orders, today’s podcast focuses on what organizations can expect with the new administration’s promises on immigration, as well as what employers can do when U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrives to the workplace. We discuss which documents need to be in order, protocols that employers should have in place in case of a raid, and what to do in the aftermath of this event.

Stephen Stigall, a partner in Ballard’s White Collar Defense and Investigations practice group, leads the discussion. He is joined by Hank Hockeimer, a partner and leader of the White Collar Defense and Investigations practice group, and Dustin O’Quinn, a partner and leader of the Immigration practice group.

View the recording transcript here.

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