
Intellectual Property Litigation

Our intellectual property litigators step in to help clients when success is critical and failure is not an option.

We help clients large and small with their intellectual property disputes. From the Fortune 500 to individual inventors to some of the world's best-known universities and research institutions, our clients trust us to develop, commercialize, defend, and enforce their intellectual property rights. When necessary, we bring protective actions for our clients’ intellectual property in jurisdictions across the country and around the globe.

Our intellectual property attorneys and professionals are as comfortable in front of a jury as they are in a lab or a boardroom. Our lawyers merge the legal savvy that comes from their extensive courtroom experience with technical dexterity and industry knowledge. BTI Consulting singled out Ballard Spahr as an “IP VIP” for its depth in both complex and routine IP litigation. Chambers USA has described our IP litigators as thorough, smart, talented, and responsive. Best Law Firms recognized Ballard Spahr as a National Tier 1 firm for IP Litigation.

We have taken the full gamut of IP cases to trial before judges, juries, and arbitrators. We also know how to use pretrial proceedings and discovery to defuse a case before it explodes. We operate strategically to resolve matters on terms most favorable to our clients.

Representative Experience 

  • We represented a leading software developer, known for its document management and workflow software, as trial counsel in the prosecution of a complex, multimillion-dollar arbitration against its competitor for breach of a licensing agreement and trade secret misappropriation. We obtained a favorable settlement two days before trial.
  • We represented an inventor in a patent infringement action against three defendants—a professional sports association, a telecommunications company, and an electronics company. The patent related to hand-held electronic devices used at sporting events. We obtained a favorable settlement.
  • We represented a university in a patent infringement litigation against a major biogenetics company involving three patents relating to anti-microbial agents. We obtained summary judgment of patent validity and infringement, as well as a permanent injunction.

A Victory for Companies Held for Ransom Over Questionable Patents

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