
Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency

New and disruptive technologies are rapidly transforming the way companies and people conduct business. Development of these new products and services often outpaces regulators and enforcement mechanisms, as well as some traditional means of commerce on which new companies rely. This creates challenges for the pioneering enterprises incorporating blockchain, digital currency, and other technologies into their business models. We can help.

The lawyers on our Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Team understand these emerging technologies. We have considerable experience working with clients developing blockchain-based services and platforms and recognize the opportunities, risks, and challenges posed by the sensitive and complex process of adopting them.

Representative Experience 

  • Represented digital asset backed lending company in registration of tokens with the SEC in further of settlement arising from the company’s ICO.
  • Represented NFT marketplace in connection with formation and startup matters and contracting with developers and customers as well as advising in connection with intellectual property matters.
  • Represented digital asset loan originator in cryptocurrency-backed financing of solar energy development project.