Press Release

Ballard Spahr Represents Atapco Properties in Purchase of 124-Acre Industrial Tract

June 5, 2024
atapco prop industrial tract Photo courtesy of Atapco Properties

Lawyers from Ballard Spahr’s Real Estate Department collaborated with the general counsel’s office of Atapco Properties in representing the company in its recent acquisition of a 124-acre industrial/warehouse parcel in Suffolk, Virginia.

Acquisition of the property at 2500 Enterprise Drive within the Virginia Port Logistics Park marks Baltimore-based Atapco Properties’ entry into the Hampton Roads industrial market. Additional warehouse capacity is needed in the area to accommodate expanding trade volume driven by record-setting growth at the Port of Virginia. The tract has the capacity to accommodate up to 1.5 million square feet in one large industrial building or multiple buildings, Atapco Properties said in announcing the acquisition last month.

Atapco Properties is active in Maryland, Indiana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, developing state-of-the-art industrial, retail, residential, office, and mixed-use projects with an emphasis on sustainability and green building standards.

Ballard Spahr Partner-Elect Alyssa Domzal and Senior Counsel Raymond G. Truitt, real estate attorneys based in the firm’s Baltimore office, served as counsel to Atapco for the Suffolk transaction.

For media inquiries, please contact Bill Shralow at 215.864.8195.

Photo courtesy of Atapco Properties

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