
End of Roe – What it Means for Employers and Employee Benefit Plans

Event Details
July 2022
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM ET

The recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and state laws banning abortion in the wake of the decision have raised significant employee benefit and other issues for employers. This webinar will address measures that employers are considering and implementing in response to these developments and the legal and practical issues they present.

This program is approved for 1.5 CLE credits in CA, NY, & PA; and 1.8 NJ. 1.5 HRCI and SHRM Credits are also approved. Uniform Certificates of Attendance will also be provided for the purpose of seeking credit in other jurisdictions.

Please register at least two days before the webinar. Login details will be sent to all approved registrants. For more information, contact questions@ballardspahr.com.

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