Speaking Engagement

Compliance and the New York Cannabis Market

Thomson Reuters
West LegalEdCenter
Event Details
February 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST

New York’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act of 2021 paved the way for a huge legal recreational cannabis market in the country’s fourth most-populous state. Once the market opens up, this “green rush” promises to be enormously lucrative—for companies that succeed in getting (and keeping) a license from New York’s Cannabis Control Board.

This CLE webinar, “Compliance and the New York Cannabis Market: What Your Clients Should Be Doing Right Now,” will lay out the importance of a robust, proactive compliance and anti-diversion program for license applicants and awardees, as well as the steps your clients can take now, even before New York adopts its new cannabis regulations, to implement such a program.

This program is eligible for CLE credits in numerous jurisdictions nationwide.

Click here for more information or to register.

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