
Antitrust and the New Administration: Insights Into Enforcement and Policy, and What Companies Should Do Now to Prepare

Event Details
December 2020
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET
Webinar Recording

Please join members of our Antitrust and Competition Group as they examine what effects a new presidential administration may have on civil and criminal antitrust enforcement. Will we see more aggressive antitrust policies directed at reining in dominant companies and a greater focus on the regulation of mergers that some believe have contributed to market concentration? How might antitrust laws be used to protect consumers and foster innovation? How will the technology and pharmaceutical industries fare?

Antitrust and Competition Group Leader Leslie E. John, Litigation Department Chair Jason A. Leckerman, Antitrust and Competition Litigation Partner Stephen J. Kastenberg, and White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations Litigation Partner James Mitchell will take an in-depth look at what to expect in the application of antitrust laws after inauguration and how companies can and should prepare.

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