Speaking Engagement

Mountain West Renewables Summit

Event Details
October 2019
5:45 PM - 8:45 PM PT

1:45 PM – 3:15 PM | Utilities' Perspectives and Plans on Achieving the Region's Renewable Goals

As the Mountain West shifts to a renewables future, utilities will play a major role in supporting the transition and realizing the region's goals. What are the perspectives of utilities on this role and what are their plans to meet the region's goals? Energy Finance Partner Patrick Gillard will moderate this session, which will feature representatives from utilities, who will discuss the key factors shaping their resource planning and procurement strategies.

Panelists will answer the following questions:

  • How are the region's renewable goals affecting utilities' IRP processes and their outcomes?
  • What retirements will be needed and what are the timelines?
  • How will retirements and state/utility goals translate to specific procurement requirements—and what are the timelines?
  • Do utilities envision procuring only within their service territory or more regionally?
  • How would the establishment of some kind of regional market structure impact their procurement plans?
  • Do utilities envision new transmission projects to accomplish their plans?
  • How will green tariffs drive procurement requirements?
  • How are utilities thinking about owning renewable generation long-term?
  • What role can securitization play in achieving cost effective, renewable goals?

Moderator: Patrick R. Gillard

3:45 PM – 4:45 PM | Mountain West Renewables Policy and Regulatory Landscape

Many states in the Mountain West have newly established ambitious RPS targets, clean energy goals, and GHG reduction mandates. What still needs to be addressed on the policy and regulatory front to get from goal-setting to implementation? What regulatory action is required? What regulatory changes for market players are envisioned? What are the timelines? What are the issues to be resolved? Energy Finance Partner Dirk Michels will moderate a panel discussion of state regulators.

Panelists will provide clarity around these questions and discuss issues around the market framework, such as:

  • How are the targets, goals, and mandates to be implemented?
  • What does the rulemaking look like?
  • What are the perspectives on creating a competitive market for utilities and renewable developers?
  • What are the opportunities for utilities to rate-base renewable assets?
  • What are the impacts on resource planning challenges, transmission planning, and queue management

Moderator: Dirk Michels

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