
GSE and FHA Financing

Ballard Spahr is a national leader in financing transactions involving Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) and Federal Housing Administration mortgage insurance.

GSE-Related Financing

Our housing finance lawyers counsel leading national real estate finance and investment companies and other lenders, as well borrowers and other clients nationwide, on all aspects of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac financing products for multifamily housing projects and seniors facilities, as well as on related compliance and servicing issues.

These attorneys handle all types of conventional mortgage and bond financings, including acquisition, rehabilitation, refunding, and forward commitment new construction loans. We also assist clients with loan assumptions, distressed asset advice, and default resolution. We serve as counsel to Freddie Mac for its tax-exempt bond credit enhancement and securitization programs.

FHA-Insured Financing

Our work has included acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction loans; tax-exempt bond financings credit enhanced by HUD insurance; GNMA mortgage-backed securities; IRP decoupling transactions; and transfer of physical assets applications. We are experienced in virtually all of HUD's multifamily programs and related tax, securities, environmental, and legal issues associated with HUD transactions.

We also assist lenders in obtaining HUD mortgagee and MAP approvals to originate HUD-insured loans. We help lenders respond to audit reports, pre-penalty determinations, and other adverse findings, and advise on servicing issues. We negotiate loan and servicing portfolio sales and perform due diligence reviews. Our lawyers enjoy effective working relationships with HUD headquarters and local office employees.