Eileen B. Quigley counsels numerous businesses, individuals, developers, nonprofits, universities, and telecommunications companies in a wide range of real estate matters. Her practice emphasis is on land use, entitlements, zoning, administrative law, and historic preservation. She represents clients in land use matters before administrative bodies, commissions, agencies, and courts.
Before joining Ballard Spahr, Eileen served for seven years in the City of Philadelphia Law Department. In that capacity, she provided legal counsel and representation to many city departments, including the Department of Licenses and Inspections, Department of Health and Human Services, and Philadelphia Historical Commission. Eileen was co-counsel in the creation and implementation of the first Lead Paint Court in Philadelphia, the city's pilot program to address quality-of-life issues, as well as the city's Neighborhood Transformation Initiative to reduce urban blight.
Professional Highlights
Professional Activities
Philadelphia Bar Association, Real Property Section, Executive Committee
Urban Land Institute, Technical Assistance Panel Committee
American Bar Association
Speaking Engagements
Moderator, "Philadelphia Zoning Code: 2017 Legislative Update," Ballard Spahr breakfast briefing, Philadelphia, June 29, 2017
Panelist, "The Land Bank: Investing in Philadelphia's Future," Ballard Spahr breakfast briefing, Philadelphia, February 24, 2015
Faculty, Pennsylvania Bar Institute: 17th Annual Real Estate Institute, December 4-5, 2013
Panelist, "One Year Later, Implementation of Philadelphia's New Zoning Code," Ballard Spahr briefing, Philadelphia, September 17, 2013
"Project Financing and Development for Nonprofits," Ballard Spahr seminar, September 18, 2012
Panelist, "The New Philadelphia Zoning Code: Uses, Overlay Districts, and Parking Standards and Controls," Ballard Spahr seminar, April 18, 2012
Panelist, "The New Philadelphia Zoning Code: As-of-Right Permits, Base Zoning Districts, and the Code's Structure," Ballard Spahr seminar, February 15, 2012
Contributing author, American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry's Annotated Construction Law Glossary, 2010
Board Memberships & Community Service
Philadelphia's Magic Gardens
The Committee to Benefit the Children
Related Insights
Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law (J.D. 1996)
Recipient, Barrister Award for Trial Advocacy
La Salle University (B.S. 1988)
New Jersey