Kathryn Boyle is an associate in the firm’s Litigation Department, focusing her practice on securities enforcement and corporate governance litigation matters. She has experience working on appellate law issues and drafting nonprecedential opinions.
Kathryn excelled as a 2020 Ballard Spahr Summer Associate, where she drafted memoranda and case summaries, researched a variety of legal issues, and assisted in preparing and filing a tax exemption for a nonprofit organization.
Professional Highlights
Judicial Internships
Hon. Anthony J. Scirica, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, 2020-2021
Hon. Marlene F. Lachman, First Judicial District of Pennsylvania – Court of Common Pleas, 2020
Related Insights
Temple University Beasley School of Law (J.D., summa cum laude, 2021)
Order of the Coif
Dean’s List
Beasley Scholarship
Research and Staff Editor, Temple Law Review
Pennsylvania State University (B.A. 2018)
Dean’s List
University of South Florida (2014-2016)
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania