Media Coverage's Builders Live: Why Lawyers Engage Entrepreneurs

August 20, 2024

On's Builders Live podcast, Chris Wink spoke to Kimberly W. Klayman about the role attorneys play in the modern startup ecosystem.

"I think the role of the lawyer has changed significantly from 20 or 30 years ago," Kim said. "Twenty to 30 years ago, you were going to a lawyer to get the contract, the actual piece of paper that you needed to do your deal. Now, I think of us as executioners. We're going to help you get the deal done. We're going to help you get the deal closed. We're going to help you do the thing you want to do, operationally. We'll get you over the finish line."

Kim is a member of the firm's Emerging Companies and Venture Capital Group. Watch her full interview below.

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