Speaking Engagement

Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation 2024

Event Details
February 1 5:00 AM - February 3 5:00 AM, 2024
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Ballard Spahr attorney Nathan Farris will be speaking at the 41st Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation conference. Over the course of the three-day event, ALI CLE will host over 30 presentations featuring speakers from across the country. Some scheduled events will be held in-person at the JW Marriott in New Orleans, LA. At 3:45 on Friday, February 2, Nathan will co-present the webcast "How to Win a Future Highest and Best Use Claim: Proving Reasonable Probability of Rezoning and Other Issues."

The event description:

Exploring a full range of cutting-edge issues and drawing professionals from across the country, this annual conference is “the place to be” for all eminent domain and land use practitioners. Whether your interests include relocation, regulatory takings, inverse condemnation, or valuation issues, topics abound for everyone through a customizable curriculum.

ALI CLE programs are generally accredited in all MCLE jurisdictions. Credit in ID, LA, RI, and UT is available upon request. Click here for more information about CLE state requirements or CPE for accountants/NASBA, or email TeamMCLE@ali-cle.org.

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