Speaking Engagement

Fact, Fantasy, or Fear in Estate Planning: A Look at (Almost) e-Everything

Event Details
January 2024
2:00 PM - 5:15 PM EST
Register Here

Justin H. Brown, partner at Ballard Spahr, will be a speaker at this Pennsylvania Bar Institute webcast. The event covers a wide range of topics including cybersecurity, e-Wills, and Artificial Intelligence. Justin will be part of a panel discussing "Electronic Wills: Past, Present (and Future?)" from 11:15 - 12:15 p.m.

The webcast description:

Learn about cybersecurity issues for estate assets, clients, and lawyers; plus, the impact of AI and other technology on estate planning and administration including Pennsylvania cases on e-wills and e-signing.

All attendees will receive the course materials as a digital book.

This is a virtual event.

CLE credit will be offered.

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