Speaking Engagement

Perspectives on the Economics and Law of Arbitration

15th Annual Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues

Event Details
November 2021
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM CUT

Alan S. Kaplinsky, former longtime Practice Leader of the firm's Consumer Financial Services Group, will serve as a panel member for the session, "Perspectives on the Economics and Law of Arbitration" at the Fifteenth Annual Judicial Symposium on Civil Justice Issues in Charleston, South Carolina, presented by the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University. The conference is exclusively for state and federal judges, with more than 170 judges expected to attend. Alan pioneered the use of pre-dispute arbitration provisions in consumer contracts, has counseled numerous consumer financial services companies on this subject, and has appeared in court on behalf of numerous companies that have sought to enforce consumer arbitration agreements.

At the invitation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Alan has testified at three separate hearings held by the CFPB to consider a rulemaking about consumer arbitration. In addition, Alan testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2019 about consumer and employee arbitration.

This event is open to judges only.

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