
Recent CFPB Developments and Future Expectations

Event Details
September 2020
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM ET

While the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under former Director Cordray and current Director Kraninger adopted very different approaches to the use of their authorities, the CFPB has maintained an active agenda under Director Kraninger’s leadership. With the upcoming Presidential election, the possibility of a Biden Administration and a replacement for Director Kraninger, the Bureau and consumer financial services industry face a potential new round of significant change.

In this webinar, we will take a comprehensive look at recent CFPB regulatory, supervisory and enforcement developments, as well as expected areas of focus and implications of a possible Biden Administration for CFPB activity and priorities. We will cover arbitration, small dollar lending, residential mortgage lending, debt collection, and fair lending in addition to general enforcement trends. 

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