Speaking Engagement

MBA's Regulatory Compliance Conference 2019

Mortgage Bankers Association
Event Details
September 23 6:15 PM - September 24 5:00 PM, 2019

Monday, September 23 | 2:15 PM – 3:30 PM
Applied Compliance Track: LO Comp Dos and Don'ts

As production shifts to a purchase-oriented market, loan originator compensation has become a topic of conversation. Panelists will walk through hypothetical situations, discussing various forms of compensation plans and how the rules apply. .

Richard Andreano, Jr.


Monday, September 23 | 2:15 PM – 3:30 PM
The Coming Rules on Data Privacy and Security

The topic of consumer data protection is making waves across the states, among regulators, and soon at the federal level. With data privacy and security at the top of everyone’s mind , identifying critical and emerging issues is key. Industry professionals will discuss the developing trends and implementation concerns facing businesses.

Kim Phan


Tuesday, September 24 | 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

TCPA Developments and Compliance Challengers

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) remains a significant source of liability. Efforts by courts to interpret the TCPA after the D.C. Circuit’s decision to strike certain elements of the FCC’s TCPA rules have resulted in a growing patchwork of TCPA interpretations. Panelists will discuss these important judicial developments, as well as ongoing regulatory initiatives aimed at addressing the problem of “robocalls.” Learn how to maintain compliance in the evolving TCPA regime.

Daniel J.T. McKenna


Tuesday, September 24 | 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Servicing Compliance

Navigating the mortgage servicing landscape continues to be a significant challenge as a result of ongoing developments. Come take a closer look at the recent compliance issues of particular importance to servicers. Panelists will discuss successors in interest, changes to the periodic statements in bankruptcy, and other major developments.

Reid F. Herlihy


Tuesday, September 24 | 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM

State Legislative and Regulatory Policy Update

State legislatures continue to be sources of new requirements for our industry, and state regulators or attorneys general are aggressive enforcers of the existing rules. Learn about recent developments as well as key emerging trends in state laws, regulatory/enforcement actions, and supervisory practices.

Stacey L. Valerio


Tuesday, September 24 | 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Compliance Super Session

The conference wraps up with a facilitated super session featuring top legal and compliance experts. Bring your compliance challenges to the group for insight and solutions. Every topic is fair game in this popular session.

John D. Socknat

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