
Liquidity for Manufacturers- Current Trends in M&A and Private Equity

Event Details
February 2019
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET

We are pleased to present the fifth program in our webinar series, “The Evolving Manufacturing Industry: Legal Developments, Challenges, and Opportunities” that will focus on current trends in M&A and private equity.

Historically high multiples being paid for companies, particularly profitable manufacturers, continue to delight sellers and pose challenges for buyers. The current seller’s market is being fed by aggressive lending by banks and non-bank lenders, in addition to large amounts of cash being held by corporations and private equity funds. Another contributor to current trends is the increasing availability of representation and warranty insurance. The prices being paid; however, come with high expectations leading to a higher incidence of price adjustments and broken deals.

Join us to discuss how these trends are relevant to manufacturing companies, even those with no current plans to buy or sell. 


Robert E. Tunheim
Co-Practice Leader
Private Equity Group

Michael P. Warren
Business and Finance Group


Brendan K. Collins
Practice Leader
Manufacturing Group

This program is open to Ballard Spahr clients and prospective clients. There is no cost to attend. This program is not eligible for continuing education credits.

Please register at least two days before the webinar. Login details will be sent to all approved registrants. For more information, contact Julianne Garrity at garrityj@ballardspahr.com

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