It's the Real Deal! An Update on the Effects and Compliance with the May 2018 Amendments to Bayh-Dole
Important changes to Bayh-Dole Act, which deals with the of intellectual property arising from federal government-funded research, were implemented on May 14, 2018. This webinar will focus on the amendments and how contractors have adjusted their practices to comply with the new requirements since implementation, particularly now that the government has an indefinite time period to request title after a contractor fails to meet a reporting or election deadline. The program will also address common questions raised by the new amendments, concerns about what happens if a contractor fails to comply, and how third parties may be using these changes to their advantage to divest contractors of their ownership of important intellectual property.
Scott D. Marty
Intellectual Property
This program is open to Ballard Spahr clients and prospective clients. There is no cost to attend. This program is not eligible for CLE credits.
Please register at least two days before the webinar. Login details will be sent to all approved registrants. For more information, contact Daniel Martin at