
From Both Sides: Plaintiff and Defense Perspectives on the TCPA

Event Details
August 2018
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

We are pleased to announce our latest installment of “From Both Sides,” a unique webinar series featuring the insights of well-known plaintiff’s lawyers and Ballard Spahr Consumer Financial Services attorneys on various consumer statutes. This program will focus on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act—another statute that gives rise to thousands of lawsuits each year, and which recently has seen significant case law and regulatory developments. Abbas Kazerounian, founding partner of Kazerouni Law Group, APC, will join Ballard Spahr lawyers to discuss plaintiffs’ and defendants’ perspectives on TCPA issues and developments, including:

  • The TCPA’s statutory purposes, requirements, and civil damages provisions;

  • The definition of "automatic telephone dialing system," including the current efforts by the FCC to interpret the phrase, and the latest case law interpretations;

  • The definition of "prior express consent," and the latest judicial and regulatory guidance on how such consent may be revoked;

  • Treatment of calls to reassigned wireless numbers;

  • Potential vicarious liability for TCPA violations by third parties; and

  • Amenability of TCPA claims to class litigation.


Alan S. Kaplinsky
Practice Leader
Consumer Financial Services


Abbas Kazerounian, Partner
Kazerouni Law Group, APC

Joel E. Tasca
Consumer Financial Services Litigation

Daniel JT McKenna
Consumer Financial Services Litigation

This program is open only to registrants who have been approved by Ballard Spahr. There is no cost to attend. This program is not eligible for CLE credits.

Please register at least two days before the webinar. Login details will be sent to all approved registrants. For more information, contact Daniel Martin at martind@ballardspahr.com.

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