
A Deep Dive into Mass Mailings by Debt Relief Law Firms

March 16, 2023
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In recent months, debt relief law firms have mailed volumes of cease and desist letters, credit reporting disputes, and debt validation requests to creditors. These mailings, which are typically lacking in credibility, place an undue burden on businesses. We first discuss responsive strategies creditors should consider for each type of mailing, including what obligations, if any, a creditor has to respond and the impact of state law. We then discuss consumer litigation filed against the debt relief law firms, potential industry-wide responses to the use of mass mailings, and how Ballard Spahr attorneys can assist creditors and servicers in crafting and implementing a strategy for handling mass mailings.

Alan Kaplinsky, Senior Counsel in Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Financial Services Group, hosts the conversation, joined by Joel Tasca and Jenny Perkins, Partners in the Group.

View the recording transcript here. 

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