
Political and Election Law

It's a fundamental tenet of civics that everyone has the right to participate in governing our nation—whether that means voting, contributing to a political campaign, lobbying, or running for public office. But the current enforcement environment has turned that landscape into a potential minefield. 

We help clients comply with all applicable laws and regulations and guide them in navigating the legal, political, and administrative challenges that can arise when participating in the political process.

Our Political and Election Law attorneys understand the complexities of this fast-changing field of practice and offer comprehensive, goal-oriented solutions to clients across the country—from corporations, trade associations, and government agencies and officials to lobbyists, political action committees (PACs), and individuals.

We advise on issues involving campaign finance, redistricting, ballot access, direct democracy initiatives, electoral strategy, and the formation and operation of PACs and nonprofit organizations. Our litigators have decades of experience in election law and political matters.