Joseph Dagher is an associate in the firm’s Real Estate Department, primarily focusing on development, transactions, and government relations. Joe counsels developers, institutional clients, and small businesses on a full range of commercial, real estate, licensing, and land use and zoning matters.
He has appeared before local boards and commissions securing entitlements for various residential, commercial, and industrial projects throughout Southern Nevada and regularly helps clients navigate Nevada’s political landscape through his strong relationships with elected officials and staff.
Professional Highlights
Judicial Clerkships
Professional Activities
Urban Land Institute
NAIOP—the Commercial Real Estate Development Association
Howard D. McKibben Inn of Court
Clark County Bar Association
Recognition & Accomplishments
Co-editor, Trial Practice Chapter, Nevada Civil Trial Practice Manual
Co-author, “Homestead Exemptions for Military Members on Assignment,” ABI Journal, June 2021
Related Insights
William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (J.D. 2019)
CALI Award: Real Estate Finance
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (B.A. 2016)